©Roel Coutinho

Cooking: Natural Gas or Animal Dung? Your Choice!

Mark S. Ramsey, P.E.


As many of you who are well-read and know abundantly from your career travels or more, or work in oil and gas or related industries, NO INDUSTRY on our planet has done more for the betterment of mankind than the hydrocarbon one. Cheap abundant energy and chemical feedstocks are gifts from God for us to use wisely.

Especially when traveling to less fortunate countries, it becomes readily apparent that a VAST AMOUNT of roads, schools, hospitals, clean water, and other critical infrastructure is paid for, directly or indirectly, by the oil and gas industry. Outside of the USA, our industry is welcomed!

Additionally, though they have great marketing, alternative energy is nowhere near competitively priced, even with massive government (i.e. taxpayer) subsidies. I once saw a documentary on alternative energy. A minister of energy in a developing country said, in effect, that if the UN or other body REQUIRED them to use so-called “clean energy”, what that REALLY MEANT was that the country would have to remain natural resource based forever (mining, oil and gas, other mineral extractions, agriculture, etc.) because fundamentally, so-called green new deal energy was not affordable for them. The bottom line result according to him? They would be denied electricity itself! Without cheap electricity and transportation fuels, other MORE polluting, (and more health damaging) ways of doing basic tasks like cooking — using wood and dung instead of gas or electricity, will again become their standard.

We — all of us — NEED the benefits of low cost energy. Without it our economies fail miserably — worse than they did due to corona, and likely with no recovery in our lifetimes.

ONLY THOSE LED BY THE EXTREME MARXIST LEFT in developed countries are against hydrocarbons. The Chinese are not. The Russians are not. The Indian subcontinent is not. Africa and South America are not. The developing world is not. Those places rightly welcome our industry and the cultural and infrastructure benefits of our products.

Now GO VOTE REPUBLICAN — ALL THE WAY DOWN THE BALLOT, like your very livelihood depends on it!

And make sure your like-minded friends, families, and church members do as well.



Mark S. Ramsey, P.E.

Mark is a consulting engineer who enjoys solving challenging problems of any nature.