Why Trump Wins — Issues That Count in the Voting Booth

Why President Trump will prevail in November of 2020 in spite of Democrats controlling all levers of power — except the voters themselves

Mark S. Ramsey, P.E.
22 min readSep 4, 2020


This is my first prediction of the 2020 Presidential race outcome. President Trump will win re-election with at least 320 of the needed 270 Electoral College votes. One of those Electoral College votes will be my own, voting for the Tenth Congressional District of Texas.

Before you discount my prediction given current media and campaign controlled polling, I was close in 2016 — within 10 Electoral College votes — while the elitist media were steadfastly predicting a Hillary Rodham Clinton landslide.

Here’s why I predict President Trump will win by an even larger margin than in 2016 — a partial list. (Feel free to add to it in comments, for either President Trump or Biden.)

  1. Incumbents win

There is a huge incumbent advantage. Short of an abject failure of an administration (e.g. Great Depression under Hoover or what was called the “misery index” of Jimmy Carter) or a major betrayal of voters (e.g. George H. W. Bush’s promise of “read my lips, no new taxes” failure), incumbents usually have an edge — sometimes a big edge (e.g. Ronald Reagan’s 2nd term landslide [525–13 in Electoral College votes] in 1984, when we had about as close to a “Trump Derangement Syndrome” going on then as now and MSM polling was suggesting Mondale had a chance). In the last century of elections there have only been four incumbents defeated.[a] They include:

  • 1932 Hoover lost to F.D. Roosevelt
  • 1976 Ford lost to Carter
  • 1980 Carter lost to Reagan
  • 1992 G.H.W. Bush lost to Clinton

In all four of these, we had a failed presidency of the incumbent (various reasons), combined with a fresh, energetic, and charismatic challenger. Policy disagreements do not constitute failure of those policies. Many on the extreme left disagree vehemently with policies of President Trump — but few would argue he has not been effective in implementing those policies.

And no one in their right political mind would dare argue Biden is either fresh, energetic, or charismatic.

Advantage: Trump

2. Mayhem in Democrat Cities and States

A combination of extreme mismanagement of the coronavirus in large Democrat controlled strongholds such as New York City and the surrounding area, and even more inexplicable refusal to contain violence during the summer of 2020 in other Democrat strongholds such as Seattle, Chicago, Portland, Minneapolis, and many others spell massive backlash against elected Democrats up and down the ballot across the country.

In what may go down in history as the two greatest political blunders of all time, Democrat leaders have willingly allowed the Burning, Looting, and even Murder to continue relatively unchallenged (and un-masked and in great numbers in close proximity), while at the same time hypocritically ordering otherwise law-abiding businesses to close over coronavirus — without scientific data supporting the shutdowns.

Minneapolis Police Station burning after being evacuated by police

What are they thinking? How does support for looting and rioting help the radical democrat leaders? The VAST MAJORITY of Americans, even in Minneapolis, do NOT support looting and rioting. (NB: At least SIX DEMOCRAT mayors in Minnesota have now ENDORSED President Trump. [b]) They support law and order and the police, while recognizing that from time to time there are “bad cops” or tragic law enforcement mistakes. The rewards of a civilized society are worth the risk.

It is also stunningly un-American what they are actually doing. With respect to coronavirus, the radical democrat left leaders are willing to destroy businesses, lives, complete local economies to support their power lust. Again, the VAST MAJORITY of Americans do NOT support continued draconian shutdowns of the American and world economies.

Data Retrieved from Worldometer.com Sept 1, 2020

Word is getting out about how Sweden, that had neither riots nor government mandated shutdowns, has effectively beat corona, apparently by developing herd immunity that [partisan democrat] Dr. Fauci ridiculed. (How many of your friends gave $1000 to HRC and sent her a personal email?) The fear-mongering by our government — triggered by sheer ineptitude of leaders like NYC mayor De Blasio and NY governor Cuomo — such as:

  • Leaving the corona-infested NYC mass transit system going for MONTHS into their epidemic, and
  • Ordering Covid-19 positive elderly patients back to nursing homes, where the resulting spread of the disease literally killed thousands of their elderly citizens.

On the other hand, Trump has stopped rioting where governors and mayors have not prevented federal assistance, and advocating for safe restart to the economy. The VAST MAJORITY of people support law and order and safety for their families, and safely restarting the economy.

[Note: After recent polling has made it abundantly clear that people across all demographics support both law and order and reopening, the D strategists have begun to walk back these two stunning miscalculations on their part. They threw a couple of “Hail Mary” passes, incomplete, and now want a do-over after the economic and physical carnage they have directly supported if not caused outright.]

Advantage: Trump

.22 caliber long rifle hollow point cartridges

3. Guns and the 2nd Amendment

At nearly every turn, President Trump has championed the Constitution, but especially with regards to the 1st and 2nd Amendments. While Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer salivate at the idea of voluntary buyout of all guns or even government confiscation of guns and regulation of ammo, President Trump visits a gun manufacturing plant and has key members of various 2nd Amendment supporters on his staff and in his circle of advisors.

Gun sales have skyrocketed in the past six months, and the AR-15 has been the single most-purchased firearm in America for over a decade now. 9mm ammo is almost impossible to find, as are the 5.56 x 45 “Nato”/.223 rounds the AR uses. Even .22 caliber plinking rounds are in short supply!

No one who has bought a gun in recent years will in the near future vote for the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, or Biden. Kamala Harris is worse.

Advantage: Trump

4. Pro-Life Vote

Simply put, President Trump is the most pro-life president in American history, bar none. Not even President Reagan made more pro-life policies. President Trump started by reversing Obama’s executive orders that permitted abortions overseas with US taxpayer funding. Trump has clearly taken the side of Life! He is the first and only president to actually address the National Right to Life march in Washington, D.C., the year after Vice President Pence became the first vice president to do so. Even conservative republican presidents and vice presidents have rarely even acknowledged the annual million person march was taking place.

In the past 30–40 years the pro-life movement has made slow but usually steady progress against killing unborn babies. Two notable exceptions have had a dramatic impact on people’s thinking both in the US and abroad.

One is the famous “Hand of Hope” photo (below), which captured a baby boy’s hand grabbing the finger of a surgeon doing en utero surgery on him to correct spina bifida.

The second is the use of ultrasound to show the mothers an image of the about-to-be-killed baby, that often even includes seeing and hearing the baby’s heart beating. Crisis pregnancy centers provide this all over the world, and some governments now require it.

“The Hand of Hope” (Photo by Michael Clancy — used by permission)

Worth mentioning, Biden and Harris have some stunningly evil positions with regard to killing babies. Biden was even banned from communion from his home church over his stance on so-called “late term abortions” (which medical doctors have observed there is literally never a case for abortion as a therapeutic answer to a mother’s problems.) Harris and Biden now even endorse the idea of AFTER-birth “abortions”, aka murder of a just born baby. Planned Parenthood, the organization that was founded to abort black babies, gave Biden a 100% rating. Harris gets the 100% rating from the even more militant NARAL.

Advantage: Trump

5. Lower Taxes

One of the first major accomplishments of the Trump administration was to orchestrate the biggest tax cut literally in American history. The result was spectacular, giving most families a cut of $1000 or more on their taxes AND simplifying the federal tax return filing (though not enough in this author’s opinion!)

Importantly, the landmark legislation simplified the filings for the vast majority of taxpayers!

The taxpayer legislation also dramatically increased both the personal standard deduction and instituted a similar small business deduction, both of which saved taxpayers money AND time!

Advantage: Trump

6. Drain the Swamp

One of the rallying cries in the 2016 Trump campaign was that we needed someone to “drain the swamp.” We have heard this repeatedly in the past from politicians who promise everything and deliver nothing, or worse, do opposite of what they pledge they will do once in office.

Trump is different. He’s done what he said he would do. Not without considerable opposition from BOTH parties’ entrenched bureaucracies and career “looters” [c], but with enormous success! Regulations that the looters live by have been slashed — over and over again — with positive effects on society and our economy. Career political hacks have been dismissed and replaced by real public servants — successful men and women who know how to get things done.

Some programs have been stopped entirely. President Trump was surprised to learn when he took office in January of 2017 that the agency preparing for the year 2000 digital crash — you know, remember “Y2K”? That was when people were scare-mongered into believing that when the clock struck midnight that computers would crash, airplanes might fall out of the sky, electric power plants would fail, and civilization as we know it would cease to exist. The problem was that the agency didn’t cease to exist, and likely would never have been disbanded, without President Trump.

In a federal government bloated beyond belief by nearly 100 years of the progressive “new deal” agenda (aka marxist, socialist, if not communist), and redone as the “green new deal” agenda (clever, huh?), the government is still far too large, too burdensome, and too inefficient. But the swamp is being drained as never in our lifetimes. And that is a very good thing.

Advantage: Trump

7. Southern Border

Another of President Trump’s key campaign promises in 2016 was to “build the wall.” Some of his predecessors had from time to time also campaigned on this. The difference is, that in spite of the fact that the “open borders crowd”, including some Republicans and nearly all Democrats have fought ferociously against this, President Trump has made enormous strides in both controlling our southern border and in actually building a physical wall. Over 300 miles of high tech enhanced physical wall have been completed, and construction is ongoing.

Additionally, President Trump has persuaded Mexico to help in securing our border, including better policing on their side of the border and perhaps even more importantly, in securing Mexico’s own southern border.

Border crossings and apprehensions are down substantially under President Trump, and he continues to make significant progress — not just lip service — towards the full control of our southern border.

Advantage: Trump

8. Election Integrity

Quite simply, President Trump and this administration have stood for fair, open, and honest elections. The democrats are PLANNING on gumming up the works and cheating, mostly through mail and absentee ballot schemes, augmenting their usual efforts to cheat, such as thwarting efforts to require photo-identification to vote and promoting voting by non-citizens who may not even live here.

Witness the recent debacle in the NYC council races and the multiple lawsuits being spawned across the country already. If one cares a wit about election integrity — and all of us should — this demands a vote for President Trump!

Advantage: Trump

9. Religious Freedom

One of Trumps first acts upon taking office was to set up task forces to bring kidnapped Americans abroad home to freedom again. Many of these were pastors serving as missionaries overseas, and journalists. Trump also has a very influential council of religious advisors from some of the most influential churches in America both praying for protection and wisdom, and offering their considerable advice. (In stark contrast, Biden was denied communion by his own church over his pro-abortion position.) In recent months, when challenged by Kamala Harris during the primary season, Biden doubled down on supporting abortion-on-demand-for-any-reason-whatsoever against the clear teaching of his Catholic affiliation.

Advantage: Trump

Photo circa June 2018 by Mark Ramsey

10. Pro-Israel

Since the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1948, one would be hard-pressed to find a more pro-Israel president. Where many have vocalized support, few have acted on it. Examples include unwavering support for Israel’s right to exist in the first place (yes, most of the socialist/marxist countries in the world say they do not), military support, and of course ACTUALLY MOVING the United States Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

The recently announced treaty brokered by the Administration between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) is said to be the biggest breakthrough in a quarter century of Middle East negotiations.

Significantly, the USA now formally recognizes Israeli sovereignty over the strategic Golan Heights — greatly enhancing security for Israel, especially in their north.

Advantage: Trump

11. Military, Space and Taking Care of Veterans

After eight long years of [hostile] neglect from the Obama/BIDEN Democrat administration, President Trump started rebuilding our military forces. Equipment was repaired and replaced. Ammunition and other badly needed supplies were again restocked. State-of-the-art weapons systems were upgraded.

So-called police actions, and ongoing semi-permanent use of USA troops worldwide has been curtailed sharply, and where troops remain, the host country is paying more of their fair share of the cost.

Where opportunity and necessity have met, President Trump has been quick to act and act decisively. After decades of ISIS and others terrorizing the Middle East and the rest of the world, it has now been effectively eliminated. Key leaders of the terrorist regime in Iran have been removed with precision surgical missile and drone attacks.

Military morale and readiness is soaring.

His challenger is frankly afraid to come out of his basement. Like it or not, our world is a hostile and dangerous place filled with individuals and countries who do not have the USA’s best interests at heart. Can you even imagine a feeble-minded and confused Biden being trusted with the nuclear football?

President Trump has also shepherded the re-introduction of American astronauts into active space duty, and the US again leads in that technology, as demonstrated by recent successes by Spacex and Virgin Galactic and other private space companies. He’s even announced an ambitious program to explore Mars!

Our Veterans have also seen much needed and well-deserved help during President Trump’s administration. The Veterans Administration (VA) has seen unprecedented audits and subsequent genuine improvement along with bringing real choice to Veterans as to their health care providers. In 47 years his opponent has not been able to achieve what Trump has done in less than 4 years for our Veterans!

Advantage: Trump

12. Covid Response and Open Up America

Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, the Trump-policy-fueled economy was hitting on all cylinders, supercharged, and with occasional shots of nitrous oxide. In order to save American lives, President Trump shut it down, with the help of governors as it should be Constitutionally. He was acting on what we now know were horribly flawed models and pseudo-science coming from Italy, the World Health Organization (WHO) and our own National Institutes of Health (NIH) complex including the FDA and the CDC and others.

He shut down travel from China and later Europe — tough decisions that saved tens of thousands — but was ridiculed by the socialist/anti-American democrats who called the travel bans an overreaction, racist, and xenophobic.

The rapid response was all to “flatten the curve” so that hospitals were not overloaded all at once. It was supposed to be two to four weeks, tops.

Democrat-governor-led and government-program-led mission creep then set in, and even though the curve was successfully flattened, the economy had its fuel and oxygen shut off and was decimated.

As hard as it is to imagine, the Democrat leadership, having failed miserably in lie after lie to attack President Trump, soon saw continued COVID fear-mongering as their ticket to a November victory. The big city democrat mayors, and democrat governors, have kept their crushing policies in place to keep the economy moribund.

Though silent or even supporting the protests and looting in their own cities, they are very vocal on crushing First Amendment right to truly peaceable assembly, and have shut down churches.[d] Though silent on thousands of violent abortions daily in the USA, they pretend to care about saving every life from COVID.

Trump has provided federal support for needed supplies, therapies, and other remedies at a record — some would say war-footing — pace. We now have more ventilators than the world will ever need, having used the Defense Production Act to accelerate their production based on what we now know to be faulty modeling and democrats-crying-wolf about not having enough.

Even vaccine development is on a breakneck pace — “warp” speed — whether or not one agrees with vaccines.

Trump’s all-hands-on-deck approach, while leaving states Constitutional sovereignty intact and in control of their own destiny, and partnering with private industry to do the heavy lifting, has yielded spectacular results. The USA is currently 40,000,000 tests AHEAD of the second most tested country, India. Our case fatality rate (CFR) is one of the lowest in the developed world.

Had it not been for the horribly mismanaged-by-democrats greater New York City area we might not have even had a significant problem. Their continued use of corona-infested mass transit, along with their intentionally forcing C19+positive patients back to nursing homes, resulted in thousands of mostly elderly deaths.

Biden on the other hand has barely been heard from, much less seen. He and democrats criticized Trumps early flight ban from China, and flaunted refusing to adhere to CDC guidelines regarding both masks and meetings by holding a PARADE IN NEW YORK CITY, just like Philly did in the 1918 pandemic! Not merely no leadership while staying hidden in his basement. Horribly bad leadership and judgement.

Trump continues to fight for the American people, while the democrat leadership, including the Biden-Harris-Sanders-Pelosi-Schumer cabal, continue to fight against what is best for the American people as is their custom.

Advantage: Trump

13. Jobs, the Economy and the Capital Markets

People vote their pocketbook. Pre-Covid, the USA was experiencing the lowest unemployment in the history of unemployment data! All groups were experiencing unprecedented success — African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, Whites, and both men and women, old and young were participating. There were numerous reasons for this, including:

  • Jobs coming back to America after decades of export to China, Mexico and other countries vis-a-vis unfair trade agreements.
  • Optimism and pride in American products and workers that has not been seen since the days of Ronald Reagan as President.
  • Relative peace around the world, in part due to the surgical military strikes against ISIS and other terrorist leaders.
  • Stable prices.
  • Low and predictable interest and inflation rates.
  • Massive deregulation where regulations were shown to be of little benefit and killed jobs.
  • A resurgence of the American oil industry and unprecedented success with fracking to unlock the massive amounts of oil and gas contained in “tight”
    and even shale formations (shale had previously been thought of as mostly nuisance rock to drill through in order to get to the better reservoir rock.)
  • Approval of needed industrial infrastructure held up during the Biden/Obama/Clinton regime, such as the Keystone Pipeline.

Democrats, including Joe Biden and Kamala Harris OBJECTED TO nearly every single one of the pro-American-Worker provisions above, and did not help to implement any of them.

New York Stock Exchange floor

On the capital markets side, even now after six months or so of shutdowns, the forward-looking markets are back at or near record highs. Once the lockdowns are lifted (after the election either way), helped by an efficient administration and an accommodating Federal Reserve (but hampered by Congressional Democrats), markets will soar again. Our “king dollar” has, under President Trump’s leadership, resumed its unchallenged reserve currency role in the world’s economic system — jeopardized during the previous democrat administration.

Multiple Advantages: Trump

14. Demise of #NeverTrump

In the 2016 election, a sizable portion of Republican voters were in what was called the #NeverTrump group, primarily on the grounds that he had a questionable past and that he had no experience in government. Indeed, the fact that he was an outsider was part of his campaign — the campaign to drain the swamp.

In 2020, nearly all of the #NeverTrump crowd has gone silent, if not converted to supporting him. Why? He has done what he said he would do. The large list of items above, plus many, many more, is truly remarkable for an administration with little prior government experience.

What an idea — bring in highly successful businessmen — SERVING their country rather than looting it — to help advise one of the most successful businessmen in America on how to successfully Make America Great Again. It worked! Ditto on the group of highly respected and successful church leaders who routinely meet with President Trump and Vice President Pence.

Working for God, Country, and the American worker is always the “right thing to do.”

Advantage: Trump

15. Third Party Effect

Though third parties never have a chance of winning — never — they can serve as a spoiler to elections. H. Ross Perot comes to mind as being significant. However, where the third parties in the past have tended to work against Republicans, this year’s third parties are believed to draw more votes from the Democrat party. Especially in swing or “battleground” states, the 1% or so they may collectively pull could make a difference in which way that state goes — with their Electoral College votes — since most are “winner take all” in nature. (Nebraska and Maine allow their EC votes to be split.)

Advantage: Trump

16. Better Campaigning and Name Recognition

The 2020 Trump campaign is vastly improved from the juggernaut it already was in 2016. It is organized, efficient, energetic and well-funded. President Trump is able to pack sports stadiums on very short notice, even in democrat strongholds like El Paso, Texas. At these rallies, he speaks to the enthusiastic crowds for typically an hour or more. While he has teleprompters, he more often than not goes off-script and just speaks his heart. He’s not as eloquent or as polished as some politicians, but he communicates nonetheless with his constituents.

Even those who do not agree with his policies do understand what he stands for and intends to accomplish. He is not double-minded.

He says what he means and does what he says he will do.

The democrat campaign is at best moribund, at worse embarrassing for them. There isn’t much of a Biden Harris campaign at all, unless one counts the lapdog media outlets such as CNN or MSNBC (which few trust any longer.)

17. Trump Derangement Syndrome

In spite of all of this, there are some that refuse to acknowledge the successes of this Administration. They seem to be driven by pure hatred of President Trump. It is unclear whether they are being paid to hate or it is an organic hatred of his policies. Given that at many protestors show up from out of state, the former seems more likely and plausible.

How large this group is remains unclear, but they are very clearly unhinged and tend toward anarchy. They seem to hate America itself even more than Trump. They have sympathies with the Burning, Looting, and Murder going on while calling it all “peaceful protests.” They are fundamentally conflicted on issues, for example insisting we stay locked down due to C19 and the desire to save lives, yet fully supportive of abortion on demand for any reason (as are Joe and Kamala) up to and including birth. Again, their numbers are small, but they are vocal.

For this very limited and out-of-sync-with-America group, they may vote for Biden, but overall, advantage Trump.

18. Defund the Police

There is, apparently a tiny but vocal and violent faction of our society that hates the police. Hates as in they say society would be better with no police. Whether many of these are genuine or just paid agitators is unknown, but very few share the opinion. Recent polls of the most affected minority communities show even they are 80% in favor of the police. However, for those who genuinely believe the world would be a better place with no police at all, Biden gets their vote, but again it ends up helping the President overall.

Advantage: Trump

19. Polls

Rasmussen called out Real Clear Politics and others for suppressing recent polling data. The implication is that post the disastrous Democrat National Convention (DNC) and the successful and inspiring Republican National Convention (RNC) that the President’s polling numbers are doing much better, and the others don’t want to report that.

Whether that accusation is true or not, it is clear that the Trump approval is rising — by most reported polls still lower than he might like, but rapidly increasing even before the RNC.

I conducted an unscientific online survey in my area of Texas recently that just under 400 participants were surveyed. The result was 64–27 for Trump. This was clearly in a Republican leaning area, but by comparison, in 2018 (when Robert “Beto” O’Rourke nearly beat incumbent Senator Ted Cruz statewide), was 58–42% in a representative race in the same area. Even if 100% of the currently undecideds go with Biden, Trump picks up an additional 6% over what Republicans received two years ago. The same district was 63–37% in 2016, again suggesting an improvement this year for President Trump.

And it is highly unlikely 100% of undecideds go to Biden, especially after choosing such a radical extreme left running mate coupled with Biden’s apparent mental cognitive decline.

Advantage: Trump

20. He Fights

Even with the above reasons swinging in the direction of a Trump landslide, the biggest single reason may be that he fights. He punches back. He does not suffer fools lightly. He and his team of successful men and women from all walks of life are skilled negotiators and managers. Those skills have benefitted the American people far better than having a 47-year politician in charge who now claims to want to fix government!

Over and over during this administration there have been attacks on President Trump, his gracious First Lady Melania, his staff, or his policies. He has not caved under extraordinarily outrageous and scurrilous attacks. Instead, he has fought back. He has fought the media with the savvy and acumen of a street fighter, entirely bypassing their ability to shape and control the news by his social media posts and his effective labeling of their more egregious distortions and lies as “fake news”.

While everyone knows the media is biased, no previous conservative has ever made accusations stick. President Trump makes them stick. In foreign policy, he has fought back. He puts “America and Americans First” in foreign dealings, even with friendly nations. While this has earned him ridicule in the press, it has made the United States energy independent, enabled revisions or outright junking of prior unfair treaties and agreements, and resulted in less USA expenditures for other countries’ military security when we are a big part of that security. His fighting is a large part of how he’s “Making America Great Again.”

He fights for America. He fights for all Americans. He fights for freedom. He fights against tyranny. He fights against evil. He fights for all of us, even those who will not vote for him this October-November. Trump fights for America. He doesn’t need this job. He volunteered to do it out of his love for this country and what it means.

Trump fights for the American worker.

Trump fights for jobs — more jobs and better jobs — for those who are unemployed or underemployed.

Trump fights for border security — and in spite of very heavy opposition from the Ds and even some Rs, has hundreds of miles of high-tech, physical wall being built on the Southern Border. And the wall continues to be built at about a mile a day rate.

Trump fights evil. He authorized successful rescues or releases of most Americans held hostage overseas, and has vanquished ISIS. He canceled the outrageous Iran nuclear deal, has effectively dealt with international friends and foes alike, and continues to face challenges head-on and forthrightly.

And he is a very, very, very hard worker. And able fighter.

Advantage: Trump


Unless the sheer number of people who both

  • HATE our police, and
  • HATE President Trump,

Exceeds the number who

  • Naturally vote for incumbents,
  • Hate the riots and shutdowns and other mayhem in the big democrat-run cities,
  • Love guns and believe in God-given Constitutional rights,
  • Are against abortions, especially late-term ones, and shudder at the thought of post-birth aborions (aka murder),
  • Want lower taxes,
  • Want to “drain the swamp”,
  • Want a secure southern border with a wall where needed,
  • Desire true election integrity,
  • Cherish religious freedom for all,
  • Are pro-Israel and want peace in the Middle East,
  • Support our men and women in the military,
  • Are ready to “open America” from being shut down due to Coronavirus,
  • Appreciate the absolute record pre-covid economy generated in part from the Trump administration work and Trump fighting the swamp for Americans,
  • Are no longer #NeverTrump, even if they once were,
  • Are not likely to vote Third Party, a losing proposition in today’s two-party system
  • Do not believe the leftist media polling showing Biden is currently ahead, just as they showed Hillary ahead even closer to the election,
  • Prefer a businessman to a career politician, who does what he says he will do and fights for those things for the American people.

On the other hand, if a true, non-cheating majority actually votes for Biden in spite of all of this article’s reasons, America has much more serious structural, cultural, and societal problems that will cause us to fall from within.

Promises Made, Promises Kept

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania earn a well-deserved four more years.

[a] “Incumbency Advantage in U.S. Presidential Elections: The Historical Record”, DAVID R. MAYHEW, Political Science Quarterly Volume 123 Number 2 2008, pp. 201–228. Accessed online at https://cpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com/campuspress.yale.edu/dist/5/444/files/2013/05/mayhew_incumbencyadvantage_2008.pdf, August 24, 2020.

[b] 6 Minnesota Democratic mayors endorse Trump, slam Biden as ‘out of touch’ https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/aug/31/6-minnesota-democratic-mayors-endorse-trump-slam-b/ accessed 9–3–2020.

[c] “Atlas Shrugged”, Ayn Rand, 1957.

[d] First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, which reads: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.



Mark S. Ramsey, P.E.

Mark is a consulting engineer who enjoys solving challenging problems of any nature.